Celebration of Republic Day

Celebration of Republic Day

“76 માં પ્રજાસત્તાક દિવસની ઉજવણી સમજૂનાથ વાદી પાઠશાળામાં” સાણંદ ખાતે વીંછિયા ગામે વરસોથી રેફ્યુજી તરીકેનું જીવન ગુજારતા અને વન વગડામાં વસવાટ કરતાં વાદી સમુદાયની વસાહત આવેલ છે અહી માનવ સેવા ટ્રસ્ટ દ્વારા તંબુ શાળા ચાલે છે જેમાં 40 થી વધારે બાળકો અક્ષર જ્ઞાન મેળવી રહ્યા છે. આ શાળામાં સાણંદ- બાવળ વિધાનસભા વિસ્તારના યુવા ધારાસભ્ય શ્રી કનુભાઈ પટેલના હસ્તે ધ્વજ વંદનનો […]

Celebrations of the National Festival

Celebrations of the National Festival

Manav Seva adopts a unique way to do celebrations of the national festival. This year on the republic day January 26th, 2020- flag hosting was done in the out skits of the Vinchiya village where Vadi community resides. They are vulnerable in all sense. They do not have proper housing, food, cloth, livelihood and education opportunities. Manav Seva chose to […]

Visit to Science city

Visit to Science city

Gujarat Science City, located in Hebatpur, Ahmedabad, is a part of Gujarat government’s initiative to draw more students towards education in science. The center hosts an IMAX 3D theatre, an energy park, a hall of science, Planet Earth, an amphitheatre, Life Science Park and dancing musical fountains. The center also provides housing for students preparing for science exams. Manav Seva […]



Al the 17 schools participated in the Balmela activity organized by Manav Seva Trust at the Nal Sarovar Garden in Sanand. Balmela expert Shri Harshadbhai Raval did handling of the entire mela. Children learned many new things during mela. Children were involved in the activities like craftwork, mud work, preparing various models from the waste material, wall painting etc. Games […]

Training program for the school management committee members

Training program for the school management committee members

This programme was conducted in the Nal Upavan farm house near Nal Sarovar. About 100 parents from 17 villages Participated in this event. Some of the topics covered during the programme are listed below.       Importance of the primary education Role of parents to educate their children Understand the elements of good governance and the characteristics of well […]

Notebook distribution

Notebook distribution

  A life of the common man becoming miserable day by day with this constant trend of increase Inflation. Providing education to children is very difficult where poor found struggling very hard to manage their meal for even one time. Situation is worse in villages compare to urban spots. Government is making their efforts but difficult for them also to […]