Notebook distribution
A life of the common man becoming miserable day by day with this constant trend of increase Inflation. Providing education to children is very difficult where poor found struggling very hard to manage their meal for even one time. Situation is worse in villages compare to urban spots. Government is making their efforts but difficult for them also to bring results where other conditions are not favorable for egg, irregular rain pattern and geographical condition. Ground reality is there is lack of sufficient infrastructure and teachers. Due to all above situation interior
Villages suffers the most. This entire situation affects the girl education. Girls found dropping out from the schools as parents gives more importance to boys education compare to girl’s education. In addition due to lack of sanitation facility for girls in the school they feel shy and are not motivated to attend the school. During school visits Manav Seva Trust observed that girls do not have notebooks to write down.
Manav Seva always tried to reach to unreached community. Manav Seva chooses villages of the interior area like Nal Sarovar. Manav Seva decided to distribute note books to the girl child to motivate them to continue with their educatin.Manav Seva writes a message with photograph, from the eminent woman personality who has contributed for the society. Manav Seva sleeted villages like Dharji, Aniyari and Vanaliya. We found in Dharji village girls of the Adim community suffers the most as they are engaged in soil digging work which is considered to be the most laborious and low wage earning business. Due to lack of other livelihood opportunities, they are forced to do this type of work. Manav Seva distributed 15,000 notebooks to more than 3000 girl child in these villages. This tiny effort lasted great positive impact on the minds of this community. Since last 15 years Manav Seva is reaching to these backward villages of the Nal Sarovar area.